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北京师范… 文章来源:北京师范大学 点击数: 更新时间:2005-12-17     
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梁前进 男, 1963 年出生。理学博士,副教授

   1981 年于河南省沁阳师范班毕业后在当地任中学教师,承担中学化学、英语等教学工作; 1988 年于北京师范大学生物学专业获得理学学士学位; 1991 年于北京师范大学遗传学专业获理学硕士学位后留校工作,任讲师; 2000 年于北京师范大学细胞生物学研究所(细胞增殖及调控生物学教育部重点实验室)获得理学博士学位后继续留校工作。曾于 1991-1994 年在北京师范大学团委会从事研究生和组织工作(兼),于 1994-1997 年在北京师范大学生物系任党总支副书记(兼),于 2001 年受任北京师范大学生命科学学院遗传学教研室主任 , 2001-2003 年任北京师范大学分子细胞遗传和育种重点实验室主任。现从事遗传学、进化生物学、人类遗传学教学和分子细胞遗传学、细胞生物学科研工作。

  2004 年 2 月起,受 教育部 国家留学基金委和北京师范大学选派,在澳大利亚悉尼大学( The University of Sydney, Australia )做访问学者,进行分子遗传学、细胞生物学等研究和双语(英 - 中)教学交流,回国后继续从事遗传学、进化生物学、人类遗传学教学和分子遗传学、细胞生物学等科研工作。

  现指导硕士研究生 6 人。




1 .着丝粒蛋白及其在细胞增殖调控中作用的研究

  着丝粒是真核细胞染色体上的特殊结构,对于着丝粒处染色质的正确组装、纺锤体组装检验点的调控、后期染色体的准确分离等有举足轻重的作用。某些着丝粒蛋白的表达与细胞增殖状态相关联,其中有的是细胞恶性增殖的标志。目前已经命名的着丝粒蛋白有 CenpA~CenpI 等。梁前进等研究了转染含有反义 CenpB 表达载体的 HeLa ( Tet-Off )细胞,对转染后细胞内源 CenpB 基因表达的抑制情况的分析表明,细胞倍增时间大大延长,有丝分裂指数大大降低,着丝粒组装受到抑制。这说明, CenpB 的正常表达对于细胞的增殖是必要的。对 31 例乳腺癌组织块及每一例病人的癌旁正常(非癌性)组织块进行分析,发现多数情况下癌组织中着丝粒蛋白 CenpB mRNA 过表达;蛋白表达分析结果与 RNA 水平上的研究高度一致。 结果显示, CenpB 基因的过表达可能与乳腺细胞恶性增殖有关。对同一批癌组织及正常(非癌性)组织块进行分析,发现多数情况下癌组织中着丝粒蛋白 CenpG ( 95 kd )过表达;在两例乳腺癌组织中还发现了一种能被 CenpG 抗血清识别的 43 kd 蛋白质成分。结果表明, CenpG (或者还有其他相关成分)的差异表达可能与细胞恶性增殖有关。目前,该研究组正在研究新检测到的另一种着丝粒蛋白成分的性质、空间定位、在细胞增殖调控中的作用,以及进化问题。

2 .精子发生机理的研究

  人类生精细胞减数分裂后,核内结合 DNA 的组蛋白( Histones )逐步被精蛋白( Protamine )取代,这叫做组蛋白-精蛋白取代反应( HPRR )。 HPRR 完成后,因精蛋白结合 DNA 能力很强,染色质浓缩为纤维束状,核缩小,丧失转录活性的 DNA 受保护而免遭损伤。该研究组证明,蛋白泛素化与一些蛋白的消失有关,大鼠精子形成中泛素( ubiquitin , Ub )转运酶 E2 基因( HR6B )表达为翻译延迟型;生殖缺陷病人异常精子中 HR6B 表达低下,由此造成的组蛋白降解受阻可能是精子失活的原因。精子发生的机理相当复杂,目前急需针对关键环节和基因的简便动物研究模型。目前该研究组正在利用基因表达模式简单的动物研究生殖问题,探讨精子发生、成熟的重要环节的机理。

3 .对饮用水源水和工艺水的生物预警




Liang QJ, Lu XF, Cheng XL et al. The Active Expression Of CenpB , A Constitutive Protein in the Centromeres of Chromosomes. Acta Genetica Sinica , 2004 , 31 ( 4 ) .
Liang QJ, Zhou HM, Chen L, et al. Centromere Proteins in Dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii and an Analysis on the Relavent Evolutionary Problems. High Technology Letters , 2004, 14 (6).
罗松 , 梁前进 , 王春梅 等。 重组表达的 CENP-B N 端抗原在 ACA 血清检测中的应用。解剖学报, 2004, 35(1): 35-38.
Liang QJ, Liang SH, Peng A et al. Effects of Anti-leukemia Drug Harringtonine on the Levels of Centromere Proteins and Gene Expression of CenpB in L1210 cells. Acta Genetica Sinica, 2003 , 30 ( 6 ): 8-14.
Liang Q , Lu X , Cheng X , et al. The differential expressing of centromere protein CenpG in breast cancer. High Technology Letters , 2002, 12(1) , 1-4.
Li WY, Yu WD, Liang QJ, et al. Stage-specific expression of the mouse Ywhaz and ATPase6 genes during preimplantation development. Developmental & Reproductive Biology, 2002, 11(4):261-269.
费江枫,李海松,陈晖,梁前进,李曰庆,费仁仁,王永潮。腺嘌呤诱导不育大鼠精子中 mRNA 的研究。生殖与避孕, 2003 , 23 ( 2 ): 65-68 。
Liang Q,Cheng X, Zhang G. The teratogenic, injurious and mutagenic effects of cyclophosphamide (cytoxan), a wide-ranged anti-tumor drug, and protection of Chinese herbal medicine against them. International Medical Experts Academic Symposium (Eastern Medicine Branch) .Academie Europeenne De Sciences Naturelles Engelhardt-Ng Verlag, Bonn, Germany. 2002 , 903-905.
Liang QJ , Wang Q , Lin HY et al. Effects of Antisense CenpB on the Proliferation of HeLa (Tet-Off) Cells. Chinese Science Bulletin , 2002, 47 (5):379-383.
梁前进,胡玉连,张根发。拟南芥( Arabidopsis thaliana )低能离子诱变效应分析及氮、碳离子注入诱变程度比较。生物物理学报, 2002, 18(2):1-5.
Fei J, Liang Q, Peng A, et al. Studies on HR6B cDNA cloning, gene expression and its relationship with the reproducibility of sperm. Developmental & Reproductive Biology , 2001, 10 Suppl. Iss.: 41.
梁前进,郭德良,肖雪媛等。新发现的着丝粒蛋白 CenpG :染色体着丝粒中重要的结构和功能分子。中国科技期刊文摘 ( 科技 快 报 ) , 2001 , 7 ( 10 ): 1336-1338 。
陈冬花 , 梁前进 , 张根发 . 离子注入拟南芥种子引起 M1 和 M2 代变异的遗传分析 . 高技术通讯, 2001 , 11 ( 10 ): 22-25 。
曾少举 ,桑建利 ,梁前进。牛精子膜蛋白的纯化及其在生殖中的作用。北京师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2000 , 36 ( 10 ) :683-686 。
梁前进,程晓蕾。环磷酰胺的致畸、损伤和致突变作用及中药防护。中国中西医结合杂志, 1999 , 19 ( 9 ): 571-573 。
梁前进,彭奕欣,余秋梅。野生鲫和五个金鱼品种的判别分析和聚类分析。水生生物学报, 1998 , 22 (3) : 236-243 。

彭奕欣,梁前进,谭永平等编著: 生命科学群英谱, 2000 。 湖北教育出版社。
彭奕欣,黄诗笺,梁前进等编,进化生物学 1997 。 武汉大学出版社。

名称:“ Effects of Antisense CenpB on the Proliferation of HeLa (Tet-Off) Cells. [ 反义 CenpB 对 HeLa (Tet-Off) 细胞增殖状况的影响” ] 北京师范大学优秀科技成果奖( 2001 )

染色体 DNA 的复制起始和 DNA 分离与细胞周期调控 [ 科技部 "97 · 3" ( 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目)重大项目 " 细胞重大生命活动的基础与应用研究 " 子课题 ] ( No. G1999053901)
新发现着丝粒蛋白 CenpG 基因克隆及功能研究(国家自然科学基金) ( No. 39970361 )

中国大百科全书(第二版) 细胞生物学 分支主编

liangqianjin0059@sina.com.cn cenpg@95777.com

Liang Qianjin (Liang QJ, Liang Q) Male , Born in 1963. PhD, Associate Professor

Short Introduction

In 1981, graduating from Qinyang Normal School, He " nan, then worked in middle school , teaching chemistry and English etc. In 1988, awarded Bachelor of Science degree in biology in Beijing Normal University. In 1991, awarded Master of Science degree in genetics in Beijing Normal University, then worked in the University, titled Lecturer. In 2000, awarded PhD degree in the Institute of Cell Biology (the Key Lab of Cell Proliferation and Regulation of the Education Ministry of China), Beijing Normal University, then continued working in the University up to now, titled Associate Professor. In 2001, appointed as the Director of the Genetics Teaching and Research Division, College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University ; During 2001-2003, acting as the Director of the Key Lab of Molecular and Cellular Genetics and Breeding, Beijing Normal University. The current teaching courses are genetics, evolutionary biology and human genetics; The current research work is in molecular and cellular genetics and cell biology.

In February , 2004, sent by the China Scholarship Council (affiliated with the Ministry of Education) and Beijing Normal University, started working in The University of Sydney, Australia, as an Chinese scholar, doing the work in the research of molecular genetics and cell biology and the bilingual (English - Chinese) teaching exchange. After returning to China, continuing the teaching work in genetics, evolutionary biology and human genetics and the current research work in molecular and cellular genetics and cell biology.

Currently supervise 6 post-graduates.

Research fields

The main research fields are cell proliferation and regulation and molecular and cellular genetics.

Research contents

1 . Centromere proteins and their functions in the regulation of cell proliferation

Centrmere is a special structure on the chromosomes of eukaryotes. It is a very important organelle that plays some pivotal roles in the correct assembly of the chromatin in centromeres, the control of the spindle checkpoint and the exact separation of the chromosomes during antaphase. The expressions of some Cenps are related to the state of cell proliferation, among which some members are the markers of malignant cell proliferation. Hitherto the Cenps which have been named are CenpA~CenpI etc. Liang QJ et al studied the HeLa ( Tet-Off ) cells in which the expression vector of antisense CenpB had been transfected. The analysis of the inhibition of the intracellular CenpB expression in the trasfected cells showed that the cell duplicating time prolongs very much; The mitotic index drops, and the assembly of centromeres is suppressed strongly. This result revealed that the normal expression of CenpB is necessary for cell proliferation. The analysis of the tissue blocks from 31 cases of breast cancer and the normal (non-cancerous) tissue blocks from the patients of each case revealed that in the majority of the cancerous tissues, CenpB mRNA over-expresses, and the result of the analysis of the protein expression is consistent with that of RNA. Therefore, the over-expression of CenpB gene is related to the malignant call proliferation in breast gland. Analysis of the same samples indicated that, in the majority of the cancerous tissues, CenpG ( 95 kd ) over-expresses, and moreover, in 2 cases of cancerous breast gland tissues, there recognized a sort of 43 kd protein component by anti-CenpG serum. This result revealed that the differential expression of CenpG (and there may be other relative components) is possibly related to the malignant cell proliferation. At present, the group is researching the property, the cytological localization , the function for cell proliferation and the relative problem of evolution of another Cenp component detected recently.

2 . The research of spermatogenesis

After the meiosis of spermatogenous cells, the histones which bind DNA in the nuclei are gradually replaced by protamines. This course is called Histone- Protamine Replacement Reaction ( HPRR ) . After HPRR , because of the strong association between protamines and DNA , chromatin condenses into fibroid material, and the nucleus is diminished, and the DNA which loses the expressing activity is protected against damage. The research of this group revealed that the ubiqintinazation of proteins is related to the disappearance of some proteins; the expression of ubiquitin transferase E2 (HR6B) during spermatogenesis of rat acts as translation delaying pattern. The expression of HR6B in the sperms of the patients with reproduction deficiency is lowered, and the repression of the degradation of histones caused by this is one possible reason why sperms are inactivated. The mechanism of spermatogenesis is subtle. It is urgent that the simple animal model be researched for the key events and genes. At present, the group is researching reproduction by using the animals whose gene expressing styles are simple, and exploring the mechanism of the important events in spermatogenesis and maturation.

3 . The biological early-warning of the source of drinking water and the processed water

In the recent years, the eutrophication has become rapider in many water bodies. Because the decrease of water levels and the ecology protection problems cause the descent of the quality of water sources and lead to a lot of economic loss and social impact, it is urgent to carry on the biological early-warning of water sources and processed water. At present, the group is detecting the water quality of the sources of drinking water and processed water by analyzing phycotoxin and endotoxin indices, and, on the basis of the detection by means of mammal cells, using the nemic model to pre-warn the water samples through the analysis of genetics, cytology and gene expression.

Representative research fruits

Representative papers :

Liang QJ, Lu XF, Cheng XL et al. The Active Expression Of CenpB , A Constitutive Protein in the Centromeres of Chromosomes . Acta Genetica Sinica , 2004 , 31 ( 4 ) .
Liang QJ, Zhou HM, Chen L, et al. Centromere Proteins in Dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii and an Analysis on the Relavent Evolutionary Problems. High Technology Letters , 2004, 14 (6).
Luo S, Liang QJ, Wang CM, et al. Application of Recombinant Fusion Protein of N-terminal Fragment of CENP-B as Antigen on the Detection of Sera with ACA. Acta Anatomica Sinica, 2004, 35(1): 35-38.
Liang QJ, Liang SH, Peng A et al. Effects of Anti-leukemia Drug Harringtonine on the Levels of Centromere Proteins and Gene Expression of CenpB in L1210 cells. Acta Genetica Sinica, 2003 , 30 ( 6 ): 8-14.
Liang Q , Lu X , Cheng X , et al. The differential expressing of centromere protein CenpG in breast cancer. High Technology Letters , 2002, 12(1) , 1-4.
Li WY, Yu WD, Liang QJ, et al. Stage-specific expression of the mouse Ywhaz and ATPase6 genes during preimplantation development. Developmental & Reproductive Biology, 2002, 11(4):261-269.
Liang Q, Cheng X, Zhang G. The teratogenic, injurious and mutagenic effects of cyclophosphamide (cytoxan), a wide-ranged anti-tumor drug, and protection of Chinese herbal medicine against them. International Medical Experts Academic Symposium (Eastern Medicine Branch) .Academie Europeenne De Sciences Naturelles Engelhardt-Ng Verlag, Bonn, Germany. 2002 , 903-905.
Liang QJ , Wang Q , Lin HY et al. Effects of Antisense CenpB on the Proliferation of HeLa (Tet-Off) Cells. Chinese Science Bulletin , 2002, 47 (5):379-383.
Fei JF, Liang QJ, Peng A, et al. Studies on HR6B cDNA cloning, gene expression and its relationship with the reproducibility of sperm. Developmental & Reproductive Biology , 2001, 10 Suppl. Iss.: 41.
Liang QJ, Guo DL, Xiao XY, et al. CenpG: a Newly Found Centromere Protein which is an Important Constitutive and Functional Molecule in Centromere. Chinese Science Abstracts , 2001, 7(10): 1336-1338.
Fei JF , Li HS , Chen H , Liang QJ , Li YQ , Fei RR , Wang YC. Studies on protamine mRNA in sperms of infertile rats induced by adenine, Reproduction & Contraception, 2003 , 23 ( 2 ): 65-68.
Representative books :

Peng YX , Liang QJ , Tan YP et al : The Stories of Excellent Biological Scientists. 2000. Hubei Education Press, Wuhan, China.
Peng YX , Huang SJ, Liang QJ et al. Evolutionary Biology, 1997. Wuhan University Press.
Prize :

Effects of Antisense CenpB on the Proliferation of HeLa (Tet-Off) Cells, The Prize of Excellent Science-Technology Fruits of Beijing Normal University (2001)
Main research items :

The origin of the replication of chromosomal DNA and DNA separation and cell cycle regulation , a subject of “ The research of the basis of the major vital movements of cells and their application ” . The State Major Basic Research Development Project of China (Grant No. G1999053901)
The gene cloning and function research of the newly found centromere protein, CenpG. The National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 39970361)
Biological early-warning for the water source and the water from different technical processes ( an horizontal cooperation project )
Main social part-time position :

The Branch Chief Editor of cell biology of the Encyclopedia of China (2 nd edition)
E-mail: liangqianjin0059@sina.com.cn

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