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北京航空… 文章来源:北京航空航天大学 点击数: 更新时间:2005-12-17     
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基本情况:周春根:博士,教授,博士生导师,1982-1993年在北京科技大学腐蚀工程系学习。93年获得博士学位以后分配到北京航空航天大学材料系任教,1997和2004年先后到韩国浦项科技大学及德国Juelich研究中心从事客座教授的研究工作。近五年来,有关表面改性研究成果共在国际著名刊物上发表论文50余篇学术论文,其中30余篇被SCI收录。研究成果受到国内外同行的关注和肯定,论文共被SCI引用100余次,并常为国际知名期刊Surface and Coatings Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids审稿。
1.Zhou Chungen, Xu Huibin, Kyoo Young Kim, “A Study on Aluminide and Cr-Modified Coatings on TiAl Alloys by Pack Cementation Method”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 132(2000)117-123
2.Zhou Chungen, Xu Huibin, “The Influence of Additions of Nb and Cr on the Aluminizing Behavior of TiAl Alloy”, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 31A(2000)1291
3.Zhou Chungen, Xu Huibin, “ The Influence of Sputtered Ti-Al-Cr Coatings on the High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of TiAl Alloys”,Materials Science and Engineering A, 307(2001)107
4.Gong Shengkai, Zhou Chungen, “TiAl/TiAl-SiC Gradient Coatings on Gamma Titanium Aluminides and Their Oxidation Behavior”,Surface and Coatings Technology, 130(2000)122
5.Fang Baizen, Zhou Chungen, “Performance of a Novel Ni/Nb Cathode Material for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cells”, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 31(2001)2016.
6.Zhou Chungen, Xu Huibin, “Deposition of Aluminide and Chromium-modified Aluminide Coatings on TiAl Alloys Using the Halide-Activated Pack Cementation Method”, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 1999, Vol.12, P48
7.Chungen Zhou, Na Wang, Huibin Xu,Thermal Cycling lifetime and thermal diffusivity of a Plasma Sprayed Nastructured Thermal Barrier Coating, Scripta Materialia,51(2004)945
8.Fang Baizeng, Zhou Chungen, “Studies on Stability of a Novel Cathode Material for MCFC”,Rare Metals, 19(2000)172
9.Chungen Zhou, Huibin Xu, Shengkai Gong, Influence of Water Vapor on the Cyclic Oxidation Behavior of NiCrAlY Coating, Oxidation of Metals, 62(2004)195
10.Chungen Zhou, Fei Cai, Huibin Xu, A Study on the Tribological Properties of Low-Pressure Plasma-Sprayed Al–Cu–Fe–Cr Quasicrystalline Coating on Titanium Alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 187(2004)225
11.Zhou Chungen, Xu Huibin, Gong Shengkai, “Investigation on Oxidation Behavior of Al-Cu-Fe Quasicrystal”, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 14(2001)178
12.Zhou Chungen, Xu Huibin, Gong Shengkai, “Investigation on Formation and Oxidation Behavior of Al-Cu-Fe Quasicrystal”, Journal of Materials Science and Technology, 18(2002)251
13.Guo Hongbo, Gong Shengkai, Zhou Chungen, “Investigation on Hot Fatigue Behavior of Gradient Thermal Barrier Coatings by EB-PVD”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 148(2001)110
14.Jingsheng Yu, Chungen Zhou, Huibin Xu, Shengkai Gong, “The characteristics of oxide scale formed on LPPS NiCrAlY coating in the presence of 5% water vapor”,Acta Metallurgica Sinca, 15(2002)123
15.Liming Yu, Yue Ma, Chungen Zhou, Huibin Xu,Damping Efficiency of the Coating Structure, International Journal of Solid and Structure,42(2005)3045
16.J.L.Xu, F.S.Liu, Chungen Zhou, “Codeposition of Aluminium and Silicon on Pure Molybdenum Substrate Using Halide Activated Pack Cementation Treatments”, Acta Metallurgica Sinca, 15(2002)167
17.Chungen Zhou, Huibin Xu, “A Study on Aluminide Coatings on TiAl Alloys by the Pack Cementation Method”,Materials Science and Engineering, A341(2003)169
18.Chungen Zhou, JingSheng Yu, Shengkai Gong, Huibin Xu, “Influence of WaterVapor on the Isothermal Oxidation Behavior of Low pressure Plasma Sprayed NiCrAlY Coating at High Temperature”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 191(2002)321
19.Juan Kong, Chungen Zhou, Huibin Xu, “Low Pressure Plasma Sprayed Al-Cu-Fe-Cr Quasicrystalline Coating for Ti-Based Alloy Oxidation Protection”, Surface and Coatings Technology, 165(2003)281
20 Chungen Zhou, Jingsheng Yu, Huibin Xu, “Influence of Water Vapor on the High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Thermal Barrier Coatings”, Materials Science and Engineering, A348(2003)327
21.Chungen Zhou, Fei Cai, Huibin Xu,Cyclic Oxidation Behavior of Al-Cu-Fe-Cr Quasicrystalline Coating on Titanium Alloy, Materials Science and Engineering, A386(2004)362
22.Shusuo Li, Song Jinxia Song, Chungen Zhou, Shengkai Gong, Yafang Han,Microstructure Evolution of NiCoCrAlY Overlay Coating for Ni3Al Based Alloy IC6 Turbine Vane During Long Term Engine Test, Intermetallics,13(2005)309


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