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 >> 清华大学航天航空学院陈民老师介绍         
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陈 民



电话 : 010-62781610
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E-mail: mchen@tsinghua.edu.cn
办公室: 清华大学逸夫科技楼1202
邮编: 100084


1966年12月生;1988年获华中理工大学动力工程系工程热物理专业学士学位; 1991年获天津大学热能工程系工程热物理专业硕士学位;1991至1993年任教于西安公路交通大学汽车工程系;1997年获西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院工程热物理专业工学博士学位;1997至1998年于清华大学工程力学系博士后流动站工作;1998年12月出站并留校任教至今。期间分别作为访问学者在美国麻省理工学院和作为洪堡学者在德国斯图加特大学从事合作研究。近期主要从事相变及其它热物理现象的分子动力学与蒙特卡罗模拟研究。



1. “合金熔体微观结构和热物理性质及其对凝固组织的影响”,国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题,No. 50395101,2003.5-2007.4,负责人。

2. “微纳体系中流体输运与控制的分子动力学研究”,国家自然科学基金项目,No. 10372051,2004.1-2006.12,负责人。

3. “蒸发和凝结现象的分子动力学研究与实验”,国家自然科学基金项目,No. 50106004,2002.1-2004.12,负责人。

4. “二氧化碳还原系统热过程的分析及数值研究”,国家航天863项目,No. 2002AA743013,2003.5-2004.4,负责人。

5. “分子动力学方法研究气、液和固态物质的界面运动、反应及相变”, 清华大学基础研究重点项目,No. Jz200203, 2002.11-2004.10,参加(负责人:柳百新)。

6. “工程热物理领域中的大规模MD并行计算方法研究”, 清华大学基础研究基金项目, No. Jz2001024, 2001.11-2003.10,负责(负责人:舒继武、陈民)。

7. “蒸发与凝结的分子动力学研究”, 清华大学机械工程学院基础研究基金项目,2001.6-2003.5,负责人。

8. “仿空间条件制备条件下新型工程材料的组织与性能研究”, 国家高技术航天领域项目, No. 863-2-7-3-19, 2000.7-2001.6,参加(负责人:魏炳波)。

9. “某些极端条件下热现象的并行分子动力学研究”, 清华同方“探索108集群计算机应用基金”项目,2000.6-2001.5,负责人。

10. “流体成核现象与机理的计算机分子模拟研究”, 清华大学骨干人才支持计划, 2000.6-2002.5,负责人。

1. X. J. Han, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, Molecular dynamics simulation of thermophysical properties of undercooled liquid cobalt, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2004, 16: 2565-2574. ( SCI-CDE )

2. X. J. Han, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, Thermophysical properties of undercooled liquid Au–Cu alloys from molecular dynamics simulations, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2004, 16: 705-713. ( SCI-CDE )

3. Z. J. Wang, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, A molecular study on the liquid-vapor interphase transport, Microscale Thermophysical Eng., 7(4): 275-289, 2003. ( SCI-WEB-746DW )

4. J. W. Shu*, B. Wang, M. Chen, J. Z. Wang and W. M. Zheng,Optimization techniques for parallel force-decomposition algorithm in molecular dynamic simulations, Computer Physics Communications, 154 (2): 121-130, 2003. ( SCI-CDE-574LX )

5. J. Z. Wang, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, A two-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation of liquid-vapor nucleation, Chin. Sci .Bul., 48 (7): 623-626,2003. ( SCI-CDE-670MC )

6. W. J. Yao, X. J. Han, M. Chen*, B. Wei, Z. Y. Guo, Surface Tension of Undercooled Liquid Cobalt, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 2002, 14: 7479-7485. ( SCI-CDE-590CN )

7. Z. J. Wang, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, Modified transition state theory for evaporation and condensation, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2002, Vol.19, No.4, pp.537-539. ( SCI-CDE-552AZ )

8. Z. J. Wang, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, Analysis of transition state theory for condensation, Chin. Sci. Bull., 2002, Vol.47, No.11, pp.952-954. ( SCI-CDE-552CF )

9. J. Z. Wang, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, Structure and thermodynamic properties of liquid transition metals with different EAM models, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2002, Vol.19, No.3, pp.324-326. ( SCI-CDE-533BD )

10. M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo and X. G. Liang, Molecular simulation of some thermophysical properties and phenomena, Microscale Thermophysical Engineering,2001, vol.5, No.1, pp.1-22. ( SCI-WEB-408GM ) (Review Article)

11. M. Chen*, C. Yang, Z. Y. Guo, Surface tension of liquid Ni-Cu alloys: a molecular simulation approach, Int. J. Thermophysics, 2001, vol.22, No.4, pp.1295-1302. ( SCI-CDE-469YV )

12. C. Yang, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, Molecular dynamics simulation on specific heat of Fe-Ni melts, Int. J. Thermophysics, 2001, Vol.22, No.4, pp.1303-1309. ( SCI-CDE-469YV )

13. Z. J. Wang, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, C. Yang, A molecular dynamics study on the liquid-vapor interface profiles, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2001, Vol.183-184, pp.321-329. ( SCI-CDE-461WB )

14. X. J. Han, C. Yang, B. Wei*, M. Chen, Z. Y. Gao, Rapid solidification of highly under cooled Ni-Cu alloys, Mat. Sci. & Eng. A, 2001, vol.307(1-2), pp.35-41. ( SCI-CDE-428HX )

15. C. Yang, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo and B. Wei, Hypercooling and the specific heat capacity of Cu-Ni alloy, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2001, Vol.18, No.1, pp.126-128. ( SCI-CDE-397YD )

16. C. Yang, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, Molecular dynamics simulation on specific heat capacity and glass transition temperature of liquid silver, Chin. Sci. Bull., 2001, 46(12), pp.1051-1053. ( SCI-CDE-458KQ )

17. M. Chen*, C. Yang, Z. Y. Guo, A Monte Carlo simulation on surface tension of liquid Nickel, Mat. Sci. & Eng. A, 2000, Vol. 292(2), pp.203-206. ( SCI-CDE-346HE )

18. P. W. Li, M. Chen, W. Q. Tao*, Theoretical analysis and experimental investigation on local heat transfer characteristics of R134a forced-convection condensation inside smooth horizontal tubes, Heat Transfer Engineering, 2000, Vol.21, No.6, pp.34-43. ( SCI-CDE-376HF )

19. M. Chen*, C. Yang, Z. Y. Guo, Monte Carlo simulation of Argon in nano-space, Chin. Phys. Lett., 2000, Vol.17, No.5, 313-315. ( SCI-CDE-319ZN )

20. Z. Y. Guo*, D. X. Xiong, C. Yang, M. Chen and Z. X. Li, Continuous liquid-vapor phase transition in mircrospace, Int. J. Therm. Sci. 2000, Vol. 39, pp.481. ( SCI-WEB-306VZ )

21. M. Chen, P. W. Li, W. Li, W. Q. Tao*, An experimental investigation on flow boiling heat transfer characteristics of HFC-32/HFC-134a mixtures inside a horizontal smooth tube, Int. J. Transport Phenomena, 2000, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 93-101.

22. J. Z. Wang, M. Chen*, B. Wang, J. W. Shu, Z. Y. Guo, Large-scale molecular dynamics simulation of bubble nucleation. 3rd International symposium on heat transfer enhancement and energy conservation, Guangzhou, Jan. 12-15, 2004.

23. J. Z. Wang*, M. Chen, J. W. Shu, B. Wang, Z. Y. Guo, Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Bubble Nucleation: Large Scale Molecular dynamics simulation, 3rd Kyoto-Seoul-Tsinghua Three Asian University Thermal Engineering Conference, Kyoto, Dec. 3-7, 2003, pp.57-64.

24. B. Wang, J. W. Shu*, J. Z. Wang, M. Chen, A New Hierarchical Parallel Algorithm On Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Proceeding of the 15th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems(PDCS), 2003.

25. X. J. Han, J. Z. Wang, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, Thermophysical properties of undercooled liquid cobalt, 15th Symposium on thermophysical properties, June 22-27, 2003, Boulder, Colorado.

26. X. J. Han, M. Chen*, Z. Y Guo, Molecular dynamics simulation of thermophysics properties of a liquid CuAu alloy, 15th Symposium on thermophysical properties, June 22-27, 2003, Boulder, Colorado.

27. M. Chen*, J. Z. Wang, J. W. Shu, B. Wang, Molecular dynamics simulation of liquid-vapor nucleation, 2nd Kyoto-Seoul-Tsinghua Three Asian University Thermal Engineering Conference, Kyoto, Dec. 2-7, 2002, pp.101-106.

28. Z. J. Wang*, M. Chen, Z. Y. Guo, A molecular dynamics study on evaporation and condensation under nonequilibrium, Proc. Int. Symp. on Micro/Nanoscale Energy Conversion and Transport, Antalya, Turkey, April 14-19, pp.81-83, 2002.

29. Z. J. Wang, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, Liquid-vapor interphase transport and condensation coefficient, Proc. 6th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Guwahati, India, Oct., 2001, pp.107-111.

30. J. Z. Wang, M. Chen*, Z. Y. Guo, Molecular dynamics simulation on structural and thermodynamic information of the liquid transition metals with different Embedded-Atom Method, Proc. 6th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, Guwahati, India, Oct., 2001, pp.177-181.

31. Z. Y. Guo*, Z. J. Wang and M. Chen, Molecular dynamics study on interface properties and interphase transport, Proc. 5th Int. Symp. On Heat Transfer, pp.77-89, Beijing, Sept., 2000. ( Keynote paper )

(* Corresponding Author)

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