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 >> 清华大学理学院巨勇老师介绍         
清华大学 文章来源:清华大学 点击数: 更新时间:2005-12-16     
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巨 勇 (教授,博士生导师)


清华大学生命科学楼 329,341室

北京 100084,清华大学化学系
电 话:(010)62792795
传 真:(010)62781695


1982-1993 兰州大学化学系,助教,讲师。
1993-1995 清华大学化学系从事博士后研究。
1996-1998 美国 Rutgers 大学植物系,访问学者。
2001-2002 美国 Ohio 州立大学化学系,访问教授。
1995-至今 清华大学化学系,副教授,教授。






作为课题负责人和主要工作者,先后承担完成国家自然科学基金“七.五”重大项目和“八.五”重 点项目各 1 项,主持完成国家自然科学基金项目 2 项。
荣获教育部自然科学奖二等奖 1 项(2003),国家教委科技进步奖二等奖(1995),三等奖(1997)各 1 项,甘肃省科技进步奖二等奖 1 项(1993)。
主编出版《有机合成化学与路线设计》教材 1 本(2002)。
在国内外重要学术刊物上发表研究论文 80 余篇。


美国 New Jersey State Rutgers University 植物系
美国 Ohio State University 化学系
美国 University of South Carolina 化学与生物化学系
美国 Rutgers 大学植物系合作研究 (1996.9-1998.3)。
美国 Ohio 州立大学化学系合作研究 (2001.7-2002.7)。

1. Ji SH, Xiao Q, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, Synthesis of novel dimeric steroidal nucleoside phosphoramidates, Chemistry Letters, 2005, 34(7), 944-945.

2. Liu MJ, Wang Z, Ju Y(巨勇), Wong RNS, Wu QY. Diosgenin induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human leukemia K562 cells with the disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology, 2005, 55(1), 79-90.

3. Liu MJ, Wang Z, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhou JB, Wang Y, Wong RNS, The Mitotic-Arresting and Apoptosis-Inducing Effects of Diosgenyl Saponins on Human Leukemia Cell Lines. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2004, 27 (7) 1059-1065.

4. Li HY, Byeon IJL, Ju Y(巨勇), Tsai MD, Structure of human Ki67 FHA domain and its binding to a phosphoprotein fragment from hNIFK reveal unique recognition sites and new views to the structural basis of FHA domain functions, Journal of Molecular Biology, 2004, 335(1), 371-381.

5. Tan B, Lee MC, Cui M, Liu T, Chen ZZ, Li YM, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, Chen KX, Jiang HL, A common intermediate for prebiotic synthesis of proteins and nucleosides: a density functional theory (DFT) study on the formation of penta-coordinate phosphorus carboxylic–phosphoric mixed anhydride from N-phosphoryl amino acids, Journal of Molecular Structure (Theochem) 2004, 672,51–60.

6. Xiao Q, Sun J, Sun Q, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, Cui YX, Synthesis of AZT 5’-O-Hydrogen phospholipid and their derivatives, Synthesis-Stuttgart, 2003, (1), 107-111.

7. Xiao Q, Ju Y(巨勇), Yang XP, Zhao YF, Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of AZT H-phosphonates conjugated with steroids, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2003, 17(13), 1405–1410

8. Wang SF, Ju Y(巨勇), Chen XG, Hu ZD, Separation and determination of coumarins in the root bark of three Citrus plants by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, Planta Medica, 2003, 69(5), 483-486

9. Xiao Q, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, A facile approach to phosphonic acid diesters, Heteroatom Chemistry, 2003, 14(3), 208-210.

10. Qin ZH, Lin CX, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, Synthesis of serine/alanine conjugated 3’, 5’- TpT, Nucleosides, Nucleotides & Nucleic Acids, 2003, 22(1), 63-69.

11. Xiao Q, Sun J, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, Cui YX, Facile synthesis of 3β-cholesterol H-phosphonates, Chemistry Letters, 2003, 32(6), 522-523.

12. Xiao Q, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, One-pot Synthesis of the H-phosphonate of AZT and diosgenin, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2003, 24(8), 1427-1429 (in Chinese).

13. Xiao Q, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, A convenient route to symmetric phosphate, phosphorothioate and phosphoroselenoate of AZT and D4T, Synthetic Communications, 2003, 33(23), 4157-4162.

14. Xiao Q, Sun J, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, Cui YX, Facile synthesis of bivalent ligand-based phosphoramidates of AZT, Journal of Chemical Research, 2003, (5), 262-263.

15. Xiao Q, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, Cui YX, Characteristic fragmentation behavior of phosphoamino acid conjugates with 3’-azido-3’ -deoxythymidine by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2003, 17(20), 2273-2278.

16. Wang SF, Chen XG, Hu ZD, Ju Y(巨勇), Analysis of three effective components in Fructus corni and its preparations by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography, Biomedical Chromatography, 2003, 17(5), 306-311.

17. Wang SF, Wu YQ, Ju Y(巨勇), Chen XG, Zheng WJ, Hu ZD, On-line concentration by field-enhanced sample injection with reverse migrating micelles in micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography for the analysis of flavonoids in Epimedium brevicornum Maxim, Journal of Chromatography A, 2003,1017 (1-2), 27-34.

18. Qin DY, Lee H, Yuan CH, Ju Y(巨勇), Tsai MD, Identification of Potential Binding Sites for the FHA Domain of Human Chk2 by in vitro Binding Studies, Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications, 2003, 311 (4), 803-808.

19. Xiao Q, Sun J, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, Cui YX, Novel approach to the synthesis of AZT 5’-O-hydrogen phospholipids, Tetrahedron Letters, 2002, 43(30), 5281-5283.

20. Qin ZH, Lin CX, Chen Y, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of serine/alanine conjugated 5’-UMP and 3’, 5’-dithymidine phosphoramidates, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2002, 16, 1997-2002.

21. Cai J, Liu MJ, Wang Z, Ju Y(巨勇), Apoptosis induced by dioscin in hela cells, Biological Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2002,25(2), 193-196.

22. Ju Y(巨勇), Still CC, Sacalis JN, Li J and Ho CT, Cytotoxic coumarins and lignans from extracts of the northern prickly ash, Phytotherapy Research, 2001, 15, 441-443.

23. Hu JJ, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao Y F, Stereo effect of the peptide formation reaction of N- (O, O-diisopropyl) phosphoryl serine, Chemical Journal Chinese Universities, 2001, 22(3), 399-402 (in Chinese).

24. Wang Z, Zhou JB, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhang H, Liu MJ, Li X, Effects of two saponins extracted from the Polygonatum zanlanscianense on the human leukemia (HL-60) cells, Biological Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2001,24(2), 159-162.

25. Ju Y(巨勇), Hu JJ, Zhao YF, Reaction of carbohydrates and pentacoordinate oxaphosphorane and their biomimetic mechanism, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon and other Element, 2000,167, 93-100.

26. Hu JJ, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, Novel synthesis of tri- and penta-coordinate phosphorous saccharides, Synthetic Communication, 2000, 30 (22), 4087-4092.

27. Hu JJ, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, LC-MS analysis of the formed peptides from N- (O, O-diisoprpyl) phosphoryl aspartic acid, Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2000, 18(6), 932-935.

28. Hu JJ, Ju Y(巨勇), Zhao YF, Studies on reaction of between N-phosphoryl amino acids and ribotides, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 2000, 21(11), 1667-1670 (in Chinese).

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