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 >> 清华大学热能工程系姜培学老师介绍         
清华大学 文章来源:清华大学 点击数: 更新时间:2005-12-16     
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姓  名 姜培学
学  历 博士
民  族 汉
研究方向 工程热物理,传热与传质
单  位 工程热物理研究所
技术职务 教授,博导
办公电话 62772661
通讯地址 清华大学热能工程系
电子邮件 jiangpx@tsinghua.edu.cn
邮政编码 100084
个人主页 http://jpx2.te.tsinghua.edu.cn/
简  历 主要学历:
1981.9-1986.7 清华大学热能工程系燃气轮机专业 学士
1986.10-1991.2 苏联莫斯科动力学院热能动力系工程热物理专业 博士

1991.3-1993.4 清华大学热能工程系 博士后 讲师
1993.5-1993.10 清华大学热能工程系 教研组副主任 实验室主任 讲师
1993.11-1994.8 清华大学热能工程系 教研组副主任 实验室主任 副教授
1994.9-1997.6 清华大学热能工程系 副系主任 副教授
1997.7-1998.8 清华大学热能工程系 教授
1998.9-1999.8 英国曼彻斯特大学工学院 访问学者
1999.9-2000.1 清华大学热能工程系 研究所副所长 教授
2000.2-2001.8 清华大学热能工程系 研究所代所长 教授
2001.9-2002.9 清华大学热能工程系 研究所所长 教授
2002.9- 清华大学热能工程系 系党委书记 研究所所长 教授

1994 - 1998 中国动力工程学会 理事
1994 - 1997 中国机械工程学会压力容器分会换热器专委会副秘书长
1995 - 2004 清华大学国际学术交流委员会 委员
1997 - 清华大学第七、第八届学术委员会 委员
2000 - 《工程热物理学报》 编委
2001 - GB16409《板式换热器》标准工作组 专家
2002 - 《计算物理》学报 编委
2002 - 中国机械工程学会压力容器分会第二届换热器委员会 副主任委员
2002 - 南京理工大学能源动力类专业指导委员会 委员
2003 - 清华大学名誉学衔专家评审小组 委员
2003 - 清华大学 — 三菱重工业合作研究中心指导委员会委员
2004 - 第一届全国锅炉压力容器标准化技术委员会热交换器分技术委员会 副秘书长

教学工作 主讲《传热学》(64学时)
科研工作 科研项目:
1. 已完成的主要科研项目
(1) 含有金属腐蚀物的水的自然对流与受迫对流传热传质及多孔介质中的对流传热研究(国家博士后基金,1991.6-1993.6)
(2) 自然与混合对流传热传质的研究(国家教委归国留学人员启动基金,1992.1-1994.12)
(3) 微型槽道及多孔结构强化对流传热过程的机理与实验研究(国家教委“资助优秀年轻教师基金”,1994.9-1997.9)
(4) 微尺度换热器的研究(国家自然科学基金青年基金,1996.1-1998.12)
(5) 复杂及极端条件下的热物理问题(清华大学985院基础研究重点基金,1999.1-2003.3)
(6) 超临界流体在微细管道及多孔结构中换热与流动特性研究(清华大学985热能系基础研究基金,2000.6-2003.6)
(7) 纳米尺度多孔涂层中及其表面上的换热与热化学反应研究(清华大学985校基础研究基金,2001.12-2003.11)

2. 正进行的科研项目
(1) 集成微光机电系统研究-微米尺度流体输运相关问题研究(国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)项目,1999.10-2004.9)
(3) 超临界流体在复杂结构中受迫与混合对流换热研究(2000年度国家杰出青年科学基金,2001.1-2004.12)
(3) Forced and Mixed Convective Heat Transfer of Super-Critical Pressure Carbon Dioxide(英国皇家学会与中国国家自然科学基金委员会合作项目,2002.4—2005.3)
(4) 微小卫星氧化二氮双模式推进方法研究(清华大学985校基础研究基金重点项目,2002.11-2004.10)
(5) 发汗冷却基础研究(863项目,2002.12-2006.5)
(6) 以跨临界二氧化碳为工质的汽车空调系统研究(北京市科学技术委员会,2002.11-2005.11)
(7) 微/纳米尺度多孔薄层中及其表面上的传热研究(高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金,2003.1-2005.12)

教材及专利 发表论文:

1. Protopopov V. S., Kuraeva I. V., Tokmakova O. V. and Jiang Pei-xue, "Experimental apparatus for investigating natural convective heat and mass transfer of water at super critical pressure", (in Russian), Tekhnologia Energonocitelei, Trudy MEI, vol.208, pp.41-44, 1989.
2. Protopopov V. S., Kuraeva I. V. and Jiang Pei-xue, "Diffusive convective model of formation of deposit on plate surface for natural convection", (in Russian), Tekhnologia Energonocitelei, Trudy MEI, vol.630, 1991, pp.47-52.
3. Protopopov V. S., Kuraeva I. V. and Jiang Pei-xue, "Laminar thermogravitational convective diffusion mass transfer of water about a vertical heated wall", (in Russian), Teploenergetika, No.5, 1992, pp.48-52.
4. Protopopov V. S., Kuraeva I. V. and Jiang Pei-xue, "Diffusion mass transfer with laminar thermogravitational convection of water about a vertical heated wall", Thermal Engineering, vol.39, No.5, pp.260-264, 1992.
5. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei, Wang Bu-xuan, Protopopov V. S. and Kuraeva I. V., "Natural convective heat and mass transfer on a vertical heated plate for water flow containing metal corrosion particles", J. of Thermal Science, vol.1, No.1, 1992, pp.11-18.
6. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei and Wang Bu-xuan, "Natural convective heat and mass transfer of water with corrosion products at super-critical pressures under cooling conditions", J.of Thermal Science, vol.2, No.1, 1993,pp.25-31.
7. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei and Wang Bu-xuan, "Convective heat and mass transfer of water at super-critical pressures under heating or cooling conditions in vertical tubes", J. of Thermal Science, Vol.4, No.1, pp.15-25, 1995.
8. Ren Ze-pei, Liu Jing, Wang Cun-cheng and Jiang Pei-xue, "Boundary element method (BEM) for solving normal or inverse bio-heat transfer problem of biological bodies with complex shape", J. of Thermal Science, Vol.4, No.2, pp.117-124, 1995.
9. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei, Wang Bu-xuan and Wang Zhan, "Forced convective heat transfer in a plate channel filled with solid particles", J. of Thermal Science, Vol.5, No.1, pp.43-53, 1996.
10. Jiang Pei-xue, Wang Bu-xuan, Luo Di-an and Ren Ze-pei, "Fluid flow and convective heat transfer in a vertical porous annulus", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol.30, No.3, pp.305-320, 1996.
11. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei, Wang Zhan and Wang Bu-xuan, " Forced convective heat transfer in a porous plate channel", J. of Thermal Science, Vol.6, No.3, pp.197-206, 1997.
12. Jiang Pei-xue and Ren Ze-pei and Wang Bu-xuan, "Numerical Simulation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Porous Plate Channels Using Thermal Equilibrium or Non-Thermal Equilibrium Models”, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 1999,Vol.35,No.1,pp.99-113.
13. Jiang Pei-xue, Wang Zhan, Ren Ze-pei and Wang Bu-xuan, "Experimental Research of Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Plate Channel Filled with Glass or Metallic particles", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 1999, Vol.20, No.1, pp.45-54.
14. Pei-xue Jiang, Ze-pei Ren and Bu-xuan Wang, "Turbulent Convection Mass Transfer of Water with Internal Mass Sources", Heat Transfer-Asia Research, 29(3), pp.166-180, 2000.
15. Pei-xue Jiang and Ze-pei Ren, "Numerical Investigation of Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Porous Media using Thermal Non-Equilibrium Model”,《International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow》, Vol.22, No.1, pp.102-110, 2001.
16. Pei-xue Jiang, Ming-hong Fan, Guang-shu Shi and Ze-pei Ren, "Thermal-Hydraulic Performance of Small Scale Microchannel and Porous Media Heat Exchangers”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.44, No.5, pp.1039-1051, 2001.
17. Pei-Xue Jiang, Guang-Shu Si, Meng Li and Ze-Pei Ren, “Experimental research and numerical simulation on forced convection heat transfer of air in non-sintered porous media”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.28, No.6, pp. 545-555, 2004.
18.Pei-Xue Jiang, Meng Li, Yong-Chang Ma, Ze-Pei Ren,“Boundary conditions and wall effect for forced convection heat transfer in sintered porous plate channels”,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.47, No.10-11 , pp. 2073-2083, 2004.
19.Pei-Xue Jiang, Meng Li, T.J.Lu, Lei Yu, Ze-Pei Ren,“Experimental research on convection heat transfer in sintered porous plate channels”,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.47, No.10-11 , pp. 2085-2096, 2004.
20. Pei-Xue Jiang Rui-Na Xu Meng Li, “Experimental Investigation of Convection Heat Transfer in Mini-Fin Structures and Sintered Porous Media”, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer(in press)
21. Pei-Xue Jiang, Yi-Jun Xu, Jing Lv, Run-Fu Shi, S. He and J.D. Jackson, “Experimental Investigation of Convection Heat Transfer of CO2 at Super-Critical Pressures in Vertical Mini Tubes and in Porous Media”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.24, pp. 1255-1270, 2004.
22. Pei-Xue Jiang, Lei Yu, Ji-Guo Sun, Jue Wang and J.D. Jackson, “Experimental Research and Numerical Simulation of Convection Heat Transfer in Transpiration Cooling”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.24, pp. 1271-1289, 2004.
23. S. He, W.S. Kim, P.X. Jiang and J.D. Jackson, Simulation of mixed convection heat transfer to carbon dioxide at supercritical pressure, Int. J. of Mechanical Engineering Sciences (in press)

1. 姜培学,任泽霈,王补宣,"超临界压力水在竖直表面上自然对流传热传质分析", 《计算物理》, 第9卷第3期, 第293-302页, 1992.
2. 姜培学,任泽霈,王补宣,"内含质量源的超临界压力水的自然对流传热与传质分析", 《工程热物理学报》, 第15卷第1期, pp.55-62, 1994.
3. 姜培学,任泽霈,王补宣,"亚临界与超临界压力水在管内的对流传热与传质", 《工程热物理学报》, 第16卷第2期, pp.204-209, 1995.
4. 姜培学,王补宣,任泽霈,"微尺度换热器的研究及相关问题的探讨", 《工程热物理学报》, 第17卷第3期, pp.328-332,1996.
5. 姜培学,王补宣,罗棣庵,王湛,"单相流体流过饱和多孔介质的流动与换热", 《工程热物理学报》, 第17卷增刊, pp.90-94,1996.
6. 姜培学,V. S. Protopopov, 任泽霈,王补宣,"水工质中胶体微粒在管道中的对流传质分析", 《清华大学学报》, 第37卷第2期, pp.67-72,1997. (EI)
7. 姜培学,V. S. Protopopov, 任泽霈,王补宣,"内含质量源的水工质在加热管道中的紊流对流传质研究", 《计算物理》, 第14卷第6期, pp.740-748,1997.
8. 姜培学,任泽霈,潘奕,“变物性条件下水平同心套管间自然对流换热研究”, 《应用基础与工程科学学报》, 第5卷第3期, pp.282-288,1997.
9. 姜培学,V. S. Protopopov, 任泽霈,王补宣,"考虑在壁面上结晶析出形成内部质量源时加热管道中的紊流对流传质分析", 《自然科学进展》, 第8卷第1期, pp.95-102,1998.
10. 姜培学,江劲勇, 陈明华,路桂娥,任泽霈,“发射药热自燃的数值模拟研究”,《清华大学学报》, 第38卷第7期, pp78-81,1998.
11. 姜培学,任泽霈,江劲勇, 陈明华,路桂娥,“环境因素对发射药升温速率及安全性的影响分析”,《火炸药学报》,第21卷第4期,pp.24—28,1998.
12. 姜培学,潘奕,任泽霈,“超临界压力水在水平同心套管间自然对流换热研究”,《清华大学学报》, 第39卷第4期, pp.108-112,1999.
13. 姜培学,柯道友,任泽霈,“利用PHOENICS求解非稳态导热与对流及辐射换热耦合问题的方法研究”,《清华大学学报》,第39卷第4期, pp.113-117,1999.
14. 姜培学,任泽霈,张左 番,陈旭扬,“液体火箭发动机推力室发汗冷却传热过程的数值模拟—1.数理模型”,《推进技术》,第20卷第3期, pp.1-4,1999。
15. 姜培学,任泽霈,张左 番,陈旭扬,“液体火箭发动机推力室发汗冷却传热过程的数值模拟—2. 数值方法及计算结果”,《推进技术》,第20卷第4期, pp.17-21,1999。
16. 姜培学,柯道友,任泽霈,“有内部热源的非稳态导热与自然对流换热及辐射换热耦合问题研究”,《计算物理》,第16卷第3期, pp.302-308,1999.
17. 姜培学,司广树,任泽霈,“粘性耗散及变物性对多孔介质中对流换热的影响研究”,《工程热物理学报》, 第21卷第5期, pp.590-594,2000.
18. 司广树,姜培学,“壁面开槽尺寸及槽内填充物对测温精度和热流分布的影响”,承德石油高等专科学校学报,第2卷第3期,pp.1-5,2000.
19. 司广树,姜培学,李勐,“单相流体在多孔介质中的流动和换热研究”, 承德石油高等专科学校学报,第2卷第4期,pp.4-9,2000.
20. 姜培学,任泽霈,江劲勇,陈明华,路桂娥,“箱装发射药储存时的安全性及含能量分析”,《火炸药学报》,第24卷第1期, pp.62-65,2001.
21. 姜培学,任泽霈,“箱装发射药堆的温度变化规律及其安全性分析”,《清华大学学报》,第41卷第 4/5 期, pp.131-135,2001.
22. 姜培学,李勐,司广树,“空气在多孔介质中对流换热的数值模拟”,《工程热物理学报》, 第22卷第5期, pp.609-611,2001.
23. Jiang Pei-Xue, Li Meng and Ren Ze-Pei, "Forced convection heat transfer in plate chennels filled with packed beds or sintered porous media", Journal of Tsinghua University,Vol.7, No.2, pp.202-208,2002.
24. 姜培学,李勐,徐轶君,任泽霈,“超临界流体在多孔介质中对流换热的数值模拟”,《工程热物理学报》, 第23第2期, pp.200-202,2002.
25. 孟丽燕,姜培学,任泽霈,“发汗冷却中流动与换热的数值模拟”,《工程热物理学报》, 第23卷第5期, pp.593-595,2002.
26. 柴宁,姜培学,任泽霈,孙锡九,“微型固体火箭内部点火阶段温度场的数值模拟”,《工程热物理学报》, 第23卷增刊, pp.129-132,2002.
27. 姜培学,李勐,马永昶,任泽霈,“微尺度换热器的实验研究”,《压力容器》,第19卷增刊, pp.10-14,2002;《压力容器》,第20卷第2期, pp.8-12,2003.
28. 姜培学,胥蕊娜,李勐,“微细板翅结构强化对流换热实验研究”,《工程热物理学报》, 第24卷第3期, pp.484-486,2003.
29. 李勐,姜培学,余磊,任泽霈,“流体在烧结多孔槽道中换热和流动的实验研究”,《工程热物理学报》, 第24卷第6期, pp.1016-1018,2003.
30. 陈雷,姜培学,瓦卢耶娃,“管道内变物性流体在加速流时换热与流动过程的数值模拟”,《工程热物理学报》, 第24卷第5期, pp.821-824,2003.
31. 李勐,姜培学,马永昶,任泽霈,“流体在烧结多孔槽道中对流换热的数值模拟”,《上海理工大学学报》,第25卷 Special, 工程热物理专辑,pp.21-24,2003。
32. 徐轶君,姜培学,李勐,任泽霈,“竖直圆管中超临界CO2对流换热数值模拟”,《上海理工大学学报》,第25卷 Special, 工程热物理专辑,pp.147-150,2003。
33. 余磊,姜培学,任泽霈“发汗冷却湍流换热过程的数值模拟”,《清华大学学报》,第43卷第12期, pp.1668-1671,2003
34. 吕晓晨,姜培学,任泽霈,孙锡九,陶涛,“微型电阻电火箭中传热问题的初步数值模拟”,《计算物理》,第21卷第1期, pp.43-48,2004。
35.胥蕊娜,姜培学,“微细板翅与烧结多孔结构中对流换热实验研究”,《工程热物理学报》, 第25卷第2期, pp.275-277,2004.
36. 石润富,姜培学,徐轶君,“跨临界CO2汽车空调系统的有效能分析”,《家电科技》,第2-3期, pp.101-103,2004.
37.姜培学,余磊,任泽霈,“变物性与热辐射对发汗冷却过程的影响规律研究”,《航空动力学报》,第 19卷第2期, pp.184-190,2004
38.余磊,姜培学,任泽霈,“发汗冷却换热过程的实验研究与数值模拟”,《工程热物理学报》, 2004.
39. 徐轶君,姜培学,向恒,任泽霈,“竖直细圆管中超临界CO2对流换热实验研究”,《工程热物理学报》,2004.
40. 柴宁,姜培学,孙锡九,任泽霈,”N2O单组元微型推进器内参数敏感性的研究”, 热科学与技术,2004。

1. Protopopov V. S., Kuraeva I. V. and Jiang Pei-xue, "Numerical prediction of laminar free convection heat and mass transfer at sub-critical and super-critical water pressure",(in Russian), 2nd Minsk Int. Heat and Mass Transfer Forum, May 18-22, Minsk, 1992, vol.10, pp.92-95.
2. Protopopov V. S., Kuraeva I. V. and Jiang Pei-xue, "Laminar free convection diffusive mass transfer of water about a vertical heated flat plate", The Joint Conference of the 3rd Int. Symposium on Heat Transfer and the 5th Int. Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Oct.6-10,Beijing, 1992, pp.198-203.
3. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei and Wang Bu-xuan, "Natural convective heat and mass transfer of water with internal mass sources", The Joint Conference of the 3rd Int. Symposium on Heat Transfer and the 5th Int. Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Oct. 6-10, Beijing, 1992, pp.170-175.
4. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei and Wang Bu-xuan, "Forced and mixed convective diffusion of iron corrosion products in water in vertical tubes", The 29th National Heat Transfer Conference, the session on Fouling Formation and Control in Heat Exchange Equipment, Atlanta, U.S.A.,August 8-11, pp.365-370, 1993.
5. Jiang Pei-xue, Wang Bu-xuan and Ren Ze-pei, "A numerical investigation of mixed convection in a vertical porous annulus", 10th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, Brighton, UK, Vol.5, pp.303-308, 1994.
6. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei, Wang Bu-xuan and Wang Zhan, "Effect of particle diameters on forced convective heat transfer in a channel filled with solid particles using non-thermal equilibrium model", The 4th Beijing International Conference on Heat Transfer, Oct. 6-10, Beijing, 1996. <>, ed. by B.X.Wang, pp.486-491.
7. Jiang Pei-xue, Ren Ze-pei, Wang Zhan and Wang Bu-xuan, "Experimental investigation of convective heat transfer in a porous plate channel", Advances in Heat Transfer Enhancement and Energy Conservation (the Proc. of the 2nd International Symposium on Heat Transfer Enhancement and Energy Conservation, 16-19 June, Guangzhou, 1997), Edited by Wang Shi-Ping and Tan Ying-Ke, South China University of Technology Press, Guangzhou, China, 1997, pp.326-330.
8. Peixue Jiang, Zhan Wang and Zepei Ren, “Fluid flow and convection heat transfer in a plate channel filled with solid particles”, Proc. of the 11th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, Kyongju, Korea,1998, Heat Transfer 1998, vol.4, pp.405-410.
9. Pei-Xue Jiang, Ming-Hong Fan, Zhan Wang and Ze-Pei Ren, “Forced convection heat transfer in porous media and highly compact heat exchangers”, Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. of Yong Scientists “The Actual Problems of Thermophysics and Physical Hydrodynamics”, pp.186-189,Novosibirsk, Russia, 1998, April 27~30.
10. Pei-xue Jiang, Ming-Hong Fan and Ze-pei Ren, " Experimental investigation of micro heat exchangers using porous media or microchannels", the 5th ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, March 15-19, 1999, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
11. Peixue Jiang, Guangshu Si, Meng Li and Zepei Ren, “Forced convection heat transfer of air in a porous plate channel”, the 5th Beijing International Conference on Heat Transfer, Aug. 6-10, Beijing, 2000, pp.492-497.
12. J.D. Jackson, J. Li, J. Wang and P. Jiang, ‘Studies of buoyancy-influenced convective heat transfer to air flowing in a vertical plane passage’. Presented at American Nuclear Society/Health Physics Society 2001 Student Conference, Texas A&M University, Texas, USA, April 2001.
13. Peixue Jiang, Meng Li, T.J.Lu, Zepei Ren and Xijiu Sun, “Convection heat transfer in sintered porous plate channels”, Heat Transfer 2002, Proc. of the 12th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, pp.803-808, France, 2002.
14. Pei-Xue Jiang, Yi-Jun Xu, Jing Lv, Run-Fu Shi, S. He and J.D. Jackson, “Experimental Investigation of Convection Heat Transfer of CO2 at Super-Critical Pressures in Vertical Mini Tubes and in Porous Media”, UK National Heat Transfer Conference, Oxford, September 9-10, 2003.
15. Pei-Xue Jiang, Lei Yu, Ji-Guo Sun, Jue Wang and J.D. Jackson, “Experimental Research and Numerical Simulation of Convection Heat Transfer in Transpiration Cooling”, UK National Heat Transfer Conference, Oxford, September 9-10, 2003.
16. S. He, W.S. Kim, P.X. Jiang and J.D. Jackson, “Simulation of mixed convection heat transfer to carbon dioxide at supercritical pressure”, UK National Heat Transfer Conference, Oxford, September 9-10, 2003.
17. Pei-Xue Jiang, Yi-Jun Xu, Run-Fu Shi, S. He and J.D. Jackson, “Convection heat transfer of CO2 at super-critical pressures in mini and porous tubes”, Proc. of Kyoto-Seoul National –Tsinghua University Thermal Engineering Conference, pp. 97-104, December, 2003.
18. Pei-Xue JIANG, Rui-Na XU, Meng LI, “Experimental investigation of convection heat transfer in mini-fin structures”, the 3rd International Symposium on Heat Transfer Enhancement and Energy Conservation (ISHTEEC), Guangzhou, China, January 12-15, 2004.
19. Pei-Xue Jiang, Yi-Jun Xu, Run-Fu Shi, S. He and J.D. Jackson, Experimental and numerical investigation of convection heat transfer of CO2 at supercritical pressures in a vertical mini tube, 2nd International Conference on Microchannels and Minichannels, June 17-19, 2004, Rochester, NY, USA.
20. S. He, P.X. Jiang, Yi-Jun Xu, Run-Fu Shi , W.S. Kim and J.D. Jackson, A computational study of convection heat transfer to CO2 at supercritical pressures in a vertical mini tube, 2nd International Conference on Microchannels and Minichannels, June 17-19, 2004, Rochester, NY, USA.
21. Pei-Xue Jiang, Yi-Jun Xu and Run-Fu Shi, Experimental Investigation of Convection Heat Transfer of CO2 at Supercritical Pressures in a Porous Tube, Proc. of International Conference on Porous Media and Applications, 24-27 May, 2004, Evora, Portugal, pp.173-181.
22. Xiao-Chen Lu and Pei-Xue Jiang, Numerical simulation of velocity field and temperature distribution in porous media, Proc. of International Conference on Porous Media and Applications, 24-27 May, 2004, Evora, Portugal, pp.223-230.
23. Xiao-Chen Lu and Pei-Xue Jiang, Numerical simulation of forced convection heat transfer in sintered porous plate channels, the 6h Beijing International Conference on Heat Transfer, June , Beijing, 2004.
24. Tao Lu, Peixue Jiang and Shengqiang Shen, Numerical and experimental investigation of convective drying in porous media, the 6h Beijing International Conference on Heat Transfer, June , Beijing, 2004.
25. Shiping Yuan, Peixue Jiang, Thermal Conductivity of Nanoscale Thickness Metallic Films, Proc. of the 7th Asian Thermophysical Properties Conference, 23-28 August, 2004, Hefei & Huangshan, Anhui, China, pp. .

1. 姜培学, "微型换热器研究”,第二届全国换热器学术会议主旨报告,2002.11.20-21,无锡.
2. 姜培学,”超临界压力流体对流换热与应用简介”, 2003年中国工程热物理学会传热传质年会主旨报告,2003年11月9日,北京 九华山庄。

热工手册》任泽霈、蔡睿贤主编,2002,机械工业出版社(本人编写其中的第五章 传热与传质的一部分 —— 6节)

获奖情况 ?1993年获清华之友-优秀青年教师奖励金一等奖

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