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 >> 清华大学工业工程系WeiZHANG老师介绍         
清华大学 文章来源:清华大学 点击数: 更新时间:2005-12-16     
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Wei ZHANG, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Engineering

Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, P. R. China

Phone: +86-10-62792257 (Office)
+86-13911337590 (Mobile)

Fax: +86-10-62794399

E-mail: zhangwei@tsinghua.edu.cn


Ph.D. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 1997, Tsinghua University, Beijing, P. R. China

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 1992, Tsinghua University

Minor B.S. in Electric Engineering, 1992, Tsinghua University


Oct. 2001 - Present
Associate Professor and Department Laboratory Director Dept. of Industrial Engineering, Tsinghua University

Sept. 2000 - Sept. 2001
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University

Sept. 1999 - Aug. 2000
Post-doctoral Research Associate
Dept. of Mechanical and Engineering
University of Missouri-Rolla, Missouri, USA

Jul. 1997 - Aug. 1999
Post-doctoral Research Associate
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
New Jersey Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA


Manufacturing Technology I & II , collaborated graduate level course for Tsinghua-RWTH Aachen joint master program in production engineering, in English
New Product Development Management, jointly developed graduate course for MBA students of the Business School of Tsinghua University, and undergraduate level course for IE Dept.
Human Factors I, Undergraduate course for Industrial Engineering
Virtual Reality for Product Design, Graduate courses for Industrial Engineering, developed and delivered jointly with Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
Graduate students supervised: 2 Ph.D. candidates and 15 Master graduate students. 7 Master graduate students have graduated and all joined either multinational companies or pursuing Ph.D. in the USA or Germany


Interested Areas:

Virtual Reality and Applications, Human-Machine System Simulation, Human Factors/Ergonomics, Rapid Prototyping & Manufacturing , Quality Control


May 2005 - present: Visiting Associate Professor at University of Missouri – Rolla: Design and build a three-channel automobile driving simulation system and help to supervise one Ph.D. student
March 2005 - May 2005: Visiting Associate Professor at Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France: Jointly developing a course “Virtual Reality for Product Design” which will be delivered jointly in two universities.

Research Projects:

Fundamental research of collaborated virtual product shape design and rapid manufacturing, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50205014), RMB 220,000, Jan. 2003-Dec. 2005, Principal Investigator.
Factors and behaviors determining driving safety in China and the USA, funded by Liberty Mutual Research Institute for Safety, RMB 300,000, Jan. 2003-Dec. 2005, Principal Investigator.
Digital work evaluation based on motion tracking and simulation, Industrial project with Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, RMB 360,000, July 2005-June. 2006, Principal Investigator.
Virtual Reality System Integration for Power Plant Control Panel Design Evaluation, project with Hunan Institute of Technology, RMB 250, 000, July 2005-June 2006, Principal Investigator.
Computer modeling and simulation of aged people using diapers, Industrial Project with Procter & Gamble (P&G), RMB 250,000, Jan. 2004-Dec. 2004, Co-Principal Investigator.
Rapid freezing prototyping, funded by China Ministry of Education, RMB 40,000, Jan. 2002-Dec. 2003, Principal Investigator.


Wei Zhang, Ming C. Leu, Zhiming Ji, Yongnian Yan, “ Method and Apparatus for Rapid Freezing Prototyping.” 2001, number 6,253,116


Book translation: P. Banerjee and Dan Zetu, Virtual Manufacturing, John Wiley & Sons, 2001, translated into Chinese by Wei Zhang, Chinese volume to be published by Tsinghua University Press in March 2005.
Wei Zhang, Heng Lin, and Weihan Zhang, From Virtuality to Reality: Individualized Freeform Model Design and Rapid Manufacturing, Formally Accepted for publication, Intl. J. of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing.
Wei Zhang, Yueng-Hsiang Huang, Matthias Roetting, Ying Wang and Hua Wei, Views of Chinese Drivers about Driving Safety-A Comparative Study with US Drivers, formally accepted for publication, Accident Analysis and Prevention.
Wei Zhang, Weihan Zhang, Heng Lin, and Zhicong Zhang, Multi-axis Milling Simulation based Raycasting Method, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS) (in Chinese), Vol. 10 (2), 209-214.
Xinghua Lang, Yang Guo, Heng Lin, and Wei Zhang, Stereo and Multi-screen Visualization of STL Models, Journal of System Simulation (in Chinese), Vol. 16 (4), pp. 740-744.
Wei Zhang, Weihan Zhang, Heng Lin, Research of a collaborated virtual product shape design and rapid manufacturing system , Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS) (in Chinese), Vol. 16 (9), 1974-1977.
Delin Chen, Wei Zhang, Theoretical Study and Implementation of Force Feedback Model with a Particle, Computer engineering and Applications (in Chinese), Vol. 40 (30), 42-44.
Wei Zhang, Heng Lin, Liang Ma, and Delin Chen, Human-computer interaction in freeform object design and simultaneous manufacturing , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Vol. 5444, Fourth International Conference on Virtual Reality and Its Applications in Industry, 2004, pp. 265-272.
Wei Zhang, Heng Lin, and Xiaofang Wang, Study of Feedback Issues in Virtual Sculpting , Proceedings of the XV Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Seoul, August, 2003.
Wei Zhang, Weihan Zhang, Heng Lin, and Ming C. Leu, Freeform Object Design and Simultaneous Manufacturing , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineers, Vol. 4756, Third International Conference on Virtual Reality and Its Applications in Industry, 265-273, 2003.
Weihan Zhang, Wei Zhang, Xiaofang Wang, and Yingbin Yan, An analytical and Experimental Study of Freeform Object Design and Simultaneous Manufacturing , Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineers, Vol. 4756, Third International Conference on Virtual Reality and Its Applications in Industry, 221-231, 2003.
Ying Wang, Yingyue Liu, and Wei Zhang,Driving behavior and capability study using virtual reality driving simulation, Accepted by the First International Conference on Virtual Reality, Las Vegas, USA, July 22-27, 2005.
Haiqing Huang, Huanzhang Fu, and Wei Zhang, Workstation Design Evaluation in an Integrated Virtual Environment, Accepted by the First International Conference on Virtual Reality, Las Vegas, USA, July 22-27, 2005.
Ming C. Leu, Wei Zhang, and Guanghua Sui, An experimental and Analytical Study of Ice Part Fabrication with Rapid Freeze Prototyping, 2000 CIRP Annals, Vol. 49(1),147-150.
Wei Zhang, Guanghua Sui, and Ming C. Leu, Determination and Improvement of Building Speed in Rapid Freeze Prototyping, Proceedings of the 11 th Annual Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. August 2000.
Guanghua Sui, Wei Zhang, and Ming C. Leu, Study on Water Deposit in Rapid Freeze Prototyping Process, Proceedings of the 11 th Annual Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, August 2000.
Wei Zhang, Ming C. Leu, et al. Investment Casting with Ice Patterns Made by Rapid Freeze Prototyping, Proceedings of the 11 th Annual Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium. University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX. August 2000.
Wei Zhang, Ming C. Leu, Zhiming Ji, and Yongnian Yan, Rapid Freezing Prototyping with Water. Materials and Design, Vol. 20 (2-3), pp. 139-145.
Wei Zhang, Forming energy field and freedom fabrication modeling, China Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 8 (3), 18-20.
Yongnian Yan, Wei Zhang, and Qingping Lu, Principle and Development of Rapid Prototyping Manufacturing Technology Based on Discretion/Stacking, China Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 5 (4), 64-66.

Editorial board member, International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing.
Editorial board member, International Journal of Universal Access in the Information Society.
Editorial board member, Chinese Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS).
Conference organizing committee board member and session chair, 11 th HCI International Conference jointly with the 1 st International Conference on Virtual Reality, Las Vegas, July 21-27, 2005.
Appointed proposal reviewer, National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Board member, Chinese Ergonomics Society
Board member, Chinese Graphics and Image Society – Virtual Reality Division
Conference Chair, China National Conference on Practice Education and Laboratory Building for Industrial Engineering, Nov. 20-21, 2004, Tsinghua University, Beijing

Multi-functional Rapid Prototyping System and Technology, Beijing Science and Technology Lead Award, first prize, 2002.

Multi-functional Rapid Prototyping System and Technology, China National Science and Technology Lead Award, second prize, 2003.

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